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PO Box 3274
Wrightwood, CA 92397

Quote Number QUO-2-22
Quote Date February 15, 2022
Total $6,625.00
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health

One Medical Center Drive, HB 7750
Lebanon, NH 03756
603-653-9076 (Phone)/603-653-9074 (FAX)

c/o Rachel A. Moses

Estimate for the build out and launch of the MaPGAS Application

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
15 Wire Frame & Decision Tree

A wire frame of the User's Experience to view the core concepts of the app.
A decision tree that shows information that exists in the front & back end of the app and how the user flows through it

5 Branding / Color / Font Design

Branding kit that includes a logo, fonts, colors and branding guidelines
Delivered in a PDF for easy use by others

25 User Experience / User Interaction Design

UX/UI Design showing all pages of the app as it will look and how it will interact.
Front end code for styling and connecting to data

25 Data Architecture & Logic

The decision tree & wireframe represented in data architecture & logic. Aka the "back end" where the app functionality happens with a development stack where the front & back end use the same data (aka MEAN) which also makes the app faster and more functional.

15 Finalizing and publishing

Testing in browsers & on devices, getting approval for final version, publishing to app stores.

15 Optional: Web Browser version of app

By using the MEAN stack, the app can be a stand alone website as well. This has the advantage of not needing to be downloaded, especially useful for those who may not have smart phones, or just to make it faster for people to use.
Set up of domain and hosting are an additional cost ($12/yr for a domain $36/yr for hosting).

25 Optional: Survey to collect more data

Optional survey section to collect data from users and email the data

Sub Total $6,625.00
Tax $0.00
Total $6,625.00