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PO Box 3274
Wrightwood, CA 92397

Quote Number QUO-07-20-2022
Quote Date July 19, 2022
Total $1,250.00
Britt, Tshering & Wang, LLC

1600 Broadway, Denver, Colorado, 80202, # 1600.

Law firm website design & build based on Wordpress CMS with pages for about, practice services, contact page & form, payment portal, Chinese language translation, and design & color elements based on current logo.

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Website: design, build, set up

-Set up website on hosting
-Design based off of current logo colors and symbol
-Pages set up & contents put in
-Payment portal set up, contact page form set up
-Chinese language version of website (set up for possible Spanish option as well)
-2 rounds of revisions & adjustments

Sub Total $1,250.00
Tax $0.00
Total $1,250.00