

PO Box 3274
Wrightwood, CA 92397

Invoice Number INV-00012320224-EST
Invoice Date January 23, 2024
Due Date February 22, 2024
Total Due $3,725.00
Dusko Goes To

The creation of an animated short that follows the Raquel M Horn book Dusko Goes to Sea. Includes animation and audio (pre and post).

50% Due upon agreement of estimate.

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Audio Editing - Dusko Goes to Sea Narration

Cleanup, mixing and mastering of narration track, read by Pat Horn.

1 Animation - Dusko Goes to Sea

Separation of layers, creation of animation assets, creation of final video (audio not included)

1 Audio Editing - Mixing

Mixing the dialogue, EFX, and music to create the final audio file to sync with the video

Sub Total $3,725.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $3,725.00

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